Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hands On: Sony VAIO P Netbook

We finally got the opportunity to run our greasy fingers over Sony's amazing new P-series netbook (or whatever you want to call it) at CES, and we were quite impressed.

If you've been paying attention to the rumor mill and our news from yesterday, you already know about Sony's new netbook-like creation: the P-series VAIO. It definitely stands out in the netbook crowd, especially considering it's steep $900 price tag.

Today Laptopical was given the opportunity to take it for a short test drive, and the first impression was that this is one hell of an impressive little gadget. Personally I'm not a fan of pointing sticks, but this one was very well balanced and easy to use.

The screen, like most other Sony laptop screens, looks fantastic, but the extremely high resolution (1600 x 768) will probably put some strain on your eyes if you use it for any longer periods.

Thanks to its next-gen Atom CPU and the two gigs of RAM, it seems to handle Vista well enough, and the emblematic VAIO-style keyboard felt perfect to the touch. Sony is already taking preorders on the P series - too bad the thing is so painfully expensive.

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